Thursday, August 31, 2006

Well, we've been back from Ohio for just a little over a week now. It was a nice trip, a bit on the short side though, really. Six days sounds like a lot longer when you don't realize its split into two. Then it becomes really and truely rather short. Especially when you have to drive hourse between those two. But, overall it really was nice to see everyone again. And we got married.

The whole wedding thing was actually (in my mind at least) rather humorous. See, we originally ran into the Findlay courthouse on Friday and bought a Marriage License. We really hadn't thought we'd be able to get one that easy/quick but we did. They didn't even ask for our drivers licenses. Anyhow. We went back to his Mom's (Amy) house and talked to his step-dad (Tim his step dad is a preacher) with the assumption, that he'd be willing to marry us. But, he kind of balked. Wanted us to go through all kinds of marriage counseling, christian vowes, promise that we'd raise our kid(s) as christians, etc.... Needless to say, that isn't what we wanted, and I for one was a bit taken aback. We asked if it'd be better to just do a secular thing at the courthouse, and he said (I'm paraphrasing here), 'Well that'd be great, but its really quite hard to do. Only clergy and judges can marry people in the state of Ohio....' Which, I for one found odd... after all there've got to be a lot of athiests and such that don't want ceremonies, right?? So, I called my grandpa up and asked him. And he said that, well, no, its not that hard to do, and would I like for him to call around and see if he could get something lined up for like, Sunday. I said sure, and 4 hours later it was confirmed that we'd be married on Monday by the Mayor of North Canton.

When Amy and Tim found out, they were a bit upset, mostly because Amy really wanted to see her son get married (understandable, but still...). Tim then offerred to marry us on Sunday, but I didn't want to do that because a: I then wouldn't get to see *my* family untill Sunday or Monday (and we had to drive back on Tuesday), and b: we'd already agreed to Monday with the mayor. So in the end we settled for him "blessing the relationship" on Saturday at 5pm. Then we drove to my Dad's house and hung out there untill Tuesday. In the end Amy & Tim ended up driving over for it anyways, which to my mind kind of nullified the reason for the blessing on Saturday. But, then again, at least it all worked out in the end and everyone was happy.

Since we got back last Wednesday, we finished up Staff Training and since then Kevin's been working, and I worked the weekend. Its been pretty nice, and I'm enjoying it here... I have another doctors apointment on Friday with the OB/GYN so hopefully everything still looks good.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


So, Summer Camp's been over for a week now, and family camp is over now too (technically I have one more pony ride tommorrow morning, but I'm doubtful at this point that anyone will show up...), so life's slowing down. Happily slowing down.

Pregnancy is going OK... after a horribly sick, nasuea filled July, August has been WAY easier. Got in to see a doc finally a few weeks ago, and everything is looking just fine. All the blood work they took (and boy did they take a LOT), looks normal/good, and the ultrasound I had about 2 weeks ago now, looked good too (I should be around 10-11 weeks pregnant now.. I think. Something like that.). My due date is for around the 9-11th of March. So thats pretty crazy.

Kevin & I are planning on getting married sometime here in the next week or two, mostly (ok, only) so that we can live together here at camp, on-camp... And while up untill earlier today it didn't look like we'd be getting our own place, that is suddenly, quite possibly changin. Which means that we just might be getting to bring Loki back too! Which is awesome. Life would be great if we could live together with our dog. That would just be too good.

In anycase, we're driving back up to Ohio on wednesday (16th of August), for a week. Going to go to his parent's place first, and then on to my Dad's. It should be a nice, mostly relaxing trip. I'm going to trade my truck for dad's accord. Which is pretty cool, although I'll be sad to say 'bye' to my truck. ::sniffle:: Tis been a good truck.

Thats about all thats new here, my horses go back tommorrow afternoon ::sniffle:: I'll miss them. It'll be wierd not getting up and feeding horses every morning. Really, really wierd. But, then again I'm sure I'll slowly get used to sleeping in again =)