Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Well the past few days have been quite good... Had exams on Monday and today (tuesday), and they all went fairly well... haven´t really gotten results back, but I feel pretty good about most of them (one not so sure about... but we´ll see).

I also am now planning on taking Tae Kwon Do here in Salamanca. There´s a really good looking class just 10-15 minutes from my house, and its not too expensive... Went and watched a class on Monday and it looked pretty good, so I think I´m planning on going back and starting to take classes on Wed (three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday).

Also, Kevin finally found a job, so thats super exciting... a YMCA Camp in the blueridge mountains of South Carolina. It sounds beautiful!! I´m actually kind of jealous=) Hope that works out, I´m sure it will... he´s just happy right now though, just to have a job=)

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