Sunday, November 6, 2005


Well, friday night was quite fun. Went out for tapas (apetizers), with my entire grammar class. Was quite fun... we went to two different places, both of which are very close to where I live... the first one (El Lechón), I have been to before, but the other one (Mares del Van Dyck), I had not... and it is both very good and cheap (just 1.50€ for a tapa and small beer or sidra (cider). I personally opted for sidra, as I love it... and its very good there. Also, its tapas are apparently typical of Galacia which means that they´re almost all seafood related (mussels, clams, calamari, shrimp, etc)... quite yummy.

After tapas, we ended up going to a Salsa bar. Which was tons of fun. I ended up dancing with some guy from Argentina who was very good, which made it quite a lot of fun as I just kind of had to "follow" as it were... got tired after awhile.

Also I finally found a book to read. Imagéns en Accion (Moving Pictures), by Terry Pratchet. Its pretty good, and I am happy to say that I understand it well enough to understand at least some of the humour=)

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