Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well, London is a pretty cool city. I've been having a blast the last couple nights, just hanging out here at my hostel - its a very very cool hostel. There's a bar basicly inside of it where you get discounts... last night they had karaoke.

Yesterday I went and saw the Tower of London, and the Tower Bridge - both very very cool, and also just wandered around being lost. The Tower of London is very cool, and definetly my favorite place. The free guided tour by a Beefeater was, quite surpisingly very good. Quite a funny guy, really good at his job.

Today I went to St Paul's Cathedral, Westminister Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben/House of Parlimant, Harrod's... I think that was it. In anycase basicly all day was spent wandering around. I even managed to find a tourist info place and got a FREE guide-book/map!! Oh. And I found a bookstore. So I now have 3 new english books to read! Woot!!

In anycase, London's been fun... though I definetly like spanish cities better. They're just more interesting, somehow. London just seems a lot like any other big, oldish city in the US. It's lacking the little twisty one-way, cobblestone streets that cities in most of Europe seem to have. But, its been fun. Also been very, very, very expensive.

In anycase I'm looking forward to getting to Prague tommorrow. Everyone keeps telling me that its very cool, so thats nice to hear...

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