Wednesday, October 18, 2006

and... its a...

Well, its been a while since I posted on here, but thats OK. Anyhow, the big news is that I'm now nearly 20 weeks pregnant, and just found out on Monday that I'm having a little boy!! Its pretty exciting... Kevin's happy, and so am I along with just about everybody else (the exceptions so far being my mom and his sister). So yeah, its pretty cool. We're thinking about naming him Andros, after the island we met on in the Bahamas a couple of years ago... but we'll see.

Anyhow, thats pretty much all thats new so far... I'll get around to scanning the photos and posting them on here sometime soon... They're pretty detailed... you can see little feet/toes, hands, nose, eyes... everything. Its really quite cool!

We still aren't sure where we're going to go when we get done here in December. Possibly Indiana, but who knows. Time will tell.

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