Saturday, February 2, 2008

Food Fun

Ah, what a long, but good day. I had co-op so we went up to canton to work and pick it up. I really enjoy working coop, though I’m not really sure why. Its just a nice, semi-relaxing hour or so every few weeks I suppose. And its fun to see what everyone else is ordering/eating and what came in (and thus what we get to eat for the next month or so;). Sometimes I’ll see something that I didn’t order but that looks good, an then order it the next month (or the next time it comes up on sale/on the split list).

One of the folks who runs the co-op was telling me and another lady about Juice Plus+ and how great it is. She actually gave me a DVD about it by Dr Sears. I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet, but have searched about on-line a bit and am not impressed so far. There just doesn’t seem to be all that much science backing it up, and quite a bit that seems to indicate that any help its giving is probably most attributable to the placebo effect… but who knows :D

We also stopped by the Raisin Rack after coop and I picked up some other random stuff we’d been needing. For dinner I made Spicy Red Lentils with Spinach, out of Nutrition Action. Nutrition Action is a really neat little newsletter that comes, I think, once a month. Its put out by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, who are totally independent. There’s no advertising, and they don’t take any funding from any corporations, so they don’t have the big conflicts of interest that so many publications do. In any case, the lentils came out very good, which makes me want to try some of their other recipes now too :D Its also made me very excited to get my new cookbook… it looks like it should be showing up here around the middle of this week (Tuesday/Wednesday). I can’t wait!!

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