Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Its Super Tuesday!!

So, I'm feeling pretty good about my black belt test, which is good cause its coming up in just 4 days!! I've got all of my stuff down pretty good, mostly concentrating on getting all the old stuff down again. Especially all the old fighting steps. Tommorrow I think I'm going to teach Kevin 1-10 so that I can practice 31-40 (counter attacks). Other than those, and the take downs I'm pretty confidant about most of them. So, mostly its remembering them, going over the take downs... and memorizing/learning all the Korean terminology. So, yeah. I guess its actually a good bit... but not too bad!

I'm sitting here at the moment watching CNN as the polls close around the country and they try to "predict" who's going to win where. I really hope Obama does well - its looking like hes doing OK, not wonderful, but OK anyways. I'm honestly very surprised at how well Huckabee's doing on the GOP side. Really, I didn't think he had much of a chance at all, so its pretty surprising that hes actually winning a couple states. As much as I really, really hope that we have a democractic president (and I hope thats Obama;) if I had to pick a republican I like McCain the best by far. So, good to see he's still doing super well.

In any case, here's hoping for good results for Obama & McCain both.

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