Friday, January 18, 2008

Going back to School

Today I spent looking for a college where I can get my bachelors degree. The only place that sounds reasonable/practical is Oregon State University. They have an e-campus option, and I should be able to get my degree in Natural Resources… I’ve been trying to figure out how many credits I have that would transfer and I’m just not in the least bit sure. Its so hard to try and match up whats what, you know? Plus I might have to take a year of Biology somewhere around here - depending on whether or not they accept classes I took at hocking for that, which its sounding like they aren’t going to do.

My other option I suppose is to just get a bachelor’s degree in “general studies” and then go for a master’s in environmental science or whatever I really want to do. And for that, I think I’d have a lot more options… although I think I’d much rather have a degree in *something*…

Andros seems to be back to himself again, finally. He had me pretty worried yesterday, what with pooping 5x in one day - which he hasn’t done in *MONTHS*. It was just… wierd. He’s been sleeping a lot lately, or at least, it certainly seems like it to me. He slept nearly the whole time we were driving both down to and then back up from West Virginia, plus all night long. So, its been kind of a relief that he’s back to himself.

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